How to Read an Insert
Free Training Course. No Email Required. Self-paced. Unlimited access.
Learn everything you need to make a knowledgeable and confident decision about any medical product. No matter if you plan to accept, delay, or decline medical products, this free training is for you.
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What is an insert? How do you find one? What do all the sections mean? Are there differences between drug and vaccine inserts?
This course will answer all your questions! You’ll learn how to read a manufacturer insert for any pharmaceutical product to make an educated + empowered decision as a patient or parent.
This free training course is for informational purposes only.
If you’d like to keep track of your progress, click the “start course” button below to enroll. However, enrollment is not required to view the course content. To view the course without enrollment, click on the first lesson “What is an Insert?” below.